Diana P Vvr

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At the end of each roll it's a mess! It's very jagged and a huge amount comes off at the end. It's a waste of if $$

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Charmin - At the end of each roll it's a mess! It's very jagged and a huge amount comes...

Make the last 6 to 8' more usable. As expensive as toilet paper is, I feel like I'm wasting my money. This happens on every roll on the new sculptured tp.

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  • Soft and reasonably strong
  • Wasting money on each roll and i buy for 3 buildings

Preferred solution: Improved product

User's recommendation: Stick with the old Charmin

Pamela O Uhx

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You are selling less toilet paper for a higher price.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

You got rid of Super Mega and made it XL Mega. You say there's no difference, but it's a big difference. KL paper has less toilet paper.

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Preferred solution: Price reduction


This, along with just about everything else, is giving you less for more money. Someone referred to it as "shrink-flation"/ I just came back from grocery shopping.

Remember when OJ was 64 oz? Then, they cut it down to 59 oz. then it dropped to 52 oz. now,Tropicana has downsized it to 46 oz.

Looks like a baby's bottle. I refuse to spend money on such stuff. Plus, with the pending dock workers strike, the prices can only go up.

Does anyone expect the prices to go down after the strike is settled? Not me!


Charmin keeps trying to hide the fact that they are cheating on the size of the sheets!! I want COMPETE 4'x4" SQUARES!!! Smoothe ter my rear end!!

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Aaria Wcc
map-marker Newberg, Oregon

Like product hate commercials

Just get rid of the cartoon bears. I like the product and will continue to use but please change the commercials

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User's recommendation: Good product, awful commercials


I totally agree


Yes, and bring back Mr. Whipple(who has likely passed) with the "Don't squeeze the Charmin".


Good work, indeed.

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map-marker Kokomo, Indiana

Tissue sooo thin many sheets had holes in them.

Improve your product...for OTHER people as I will not purchase Charmin again. It was horrible and I'll keep passing the word on.

Too bad I did't know there was a deadline to get a refund.

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User's recommendation: Check paper quality before buying.

chunmei w

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Very poor quality

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

I have used Charmin toilet paper for a long time, but I recently purchased some ultra-soft ones. I'm very disappointed with this one.

There were a lot of left-behind bits every time! It's so annoying!

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Preferred solution: Full refund

map-marker New York, New York

Unhappy with Charmin Toilet Paper

I am a senior citizen! I have used 2 ply Charmin for many years!

I am not happy with the current perforation design used to mark the tear lines! The marks are difficult to find & irregular placement of lines is a problem! Instead of each sheet being marked it could be unmarked for 3, 4, or more sheets! I never had a problem before finding the straight line to tear off 4 sheets!

I know its a little thing to complain about. I like soft Charmin & have no problem with septic clog but please do something about repairing the machines that improperly mark tear lines!

Thank! Noralee Storie

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map-marker Pickering, Ontario

Toilet paper is no splitting in required places since the new wavy line

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I have recently purchased 2 twelve roll packages of toilet paper (Big rolls) that have the new wavy line for tearing. I have now had two rolls that do not tear, the wavy line is very hard to see and it is certainly not what is advertised.

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Gregg H Yiv

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New no tear design clogs toilets does not absorb

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Charmin - New no tear design clogs toilets does not absorb
Charmin - New no tear design clogs toilets does not absorb - Image 2

They decided to change the material that absorbs to something that repels instead. If you place a few squares in your toilet bowl, they float.

If you wipe water off of the counter top it spreads and doesn't clean up. This means your butt or a women private parts stays wet.

They are losing a lifetime customer and need to go back to an absorbing product that works. See attached for old product and new product video

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Preferred solution: Go back to old product

User's recommendation: Time to change from Charmin

map-marker Atascadero, California

Smooth tear tears

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Stop making smooth tear PLEASE. Not smooth and hard to see tear line. This is an answer to a problem that did not exist, and I prefer the old-fashioned method of the perforated straight line which worked perfectly and was easily seen.

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User's recommendation: Complain about the smooth chair since it’s awful

1 comment

Been buying Charmin for years. The new zig zag perforation sucks .

Doesn't even tear on the perforation. Costing me more by waisting more than I ever had to before. Soon as I get through with this bag of Charmin, I will be buying a different brand. You lost a life long customer by making a problem when there wasn't one to begin with.

All the people I have talked to feel the same. Good luck with future customers.

Joy V Eti

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| map-marker Bristol, Tennessee


Charmin - Complaint

The last three times Ive purchased Charmin, the cardboard part is mashed almost flat. The roll itself isnt mashed as bad.

Its very difficult to get it straight enough to roll. I wont be buying it again.

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User's recommendation: Check the rolls if possible before purchasing. I buy the large packs and can’t see because of packaging.

Simone C End

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| map-marker Atlanta, Georgia

Charmin toilet paper

Have been buying Charmin for many years. Bought a MAGA pack the other day in Walmart.It's not as big a Mega.

Shame on you. Corporate greed & {{Redacted}}

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Robert K Bko

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stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full
Charmin - Really??
Charmin - Really?? - Image 2
Charmin - Really?? - Image 3

Okay. I know.

It's "just" toilet paper. BUT.. this "new" scalloped tear gimmick is a COMPLETE JOKE. Used to be a fan of the "normal" tear Charmin.

I mean, it's TP. Who gives a rip how it "tears?"

But now? Check out the photos. Insane.

No matter how we try, we can't get it to tear uniformly. NOW WE HAVE TP BITS EVERYWHERE. We literally need to vacuum after a few days.

We literally have "actual scissors" now in the loo to "cut" the stuff.

Tried to "email" them via their customer service portal. Literally spent 20 minutes inputting details.

It "rejected" our email because we couldn't provide an "expiration date" of for the TP. Um... excuse us?? Check yourselves.

There IS NO EXPIRATION DATE on the packaging. It's toilet paper for gosh sakes.

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  • Used to be fine
  • No longer fine

Preferred solution: Full refund

User's recommendation: Try a different brand until they figure out the issues.

1 comment

I've had the same problem with several rolls from different packages. There are NO tear lines. Quality control is not doing it's job.

Celina Ypl
map-marker Georgetown, Indiana

Doesn't tear where it's supposed to.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

The first package I bought was great, so I bought two more at different times. Both were terrible.

They don't tear where they're supposed to. Very, very frustrating.

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User's recommendation: Don't buy Charmin.

Lynn C Ret

Do you know what brings me great joy?! The new (ish) scalloped perforation! What a great invention!!

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

Nothing happened, it's all good!!

Every time I pull off the scalloped, perforated toilet paper, I smile. It's just a small idea that someone in your company made, that makes your toilet paper unique!

I never purchase any other toilet paper, no matter the cost, because why change perfection?!

I am one very happy and satisfied buyer of Chatman toilet paper!

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  • Softness and durability
  • I love the scalloped perforation

Preferred solution: Nothing , just wanted to spread good news!!

User's recommendation: The best toilet paper around!

map-marker Palm Coast, Florida

New Ultra soft feels very thin & gross.

stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full stars-rating-full

They changed the Design recently, and i hate it. I have used Ultra soft For perchance 20 years now & its been recently changed.

The New nonsquare Design ist dumb, But cosmetic only.

The thinness and harsh Texture ist a No For me! Im switching to an actual soft TP Brand.

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